
Saturday, April 18, 2009

I guess I don't really have a lot to say tonight but just feel like writing. We have kept busy this past week. Last weekend was my birthday, easter, and my little girl turned 2. Hard to believe how fast the years are passing. Next I get to look forward to my son turning 7. Lift just keeps on rolling along whether or not we are paying attention. I have been trying to be more attentive to the little moments that all add up to mark time's passage but it is not always easy.

I had a wonderful opportunity to do that this past Friday. My mom, who usually watched the kids, left early for a weekend away with dad so I took the day off and spent it with my kids. We got lots done, namely a huge shopping trip to Wal-mart, but in the midst of it I did remember to take my time and just enjoy being with them. We spent the afternoon going for a walk/bike ride and just relaxed. It was wonderful. My in-laws were later getting home so we had the house to ourselves for supper when hubby got home. Although I did not cook it felt nice to put a meal together for my family. Oh, and I also got all our laundry done which was really nice going into the weekend to not have to worry about.

This morning I had another chance to soak up the moment when I took little girl to the mall for a free live show of Ms Spider that was put on at center court. Even though it was crowded and I had to hold her for the entire show so she could see, it was worth it to stop and spend a few minutes just her and I. After lunch and naps, the kids and I went for a walk to a nearby playground and just enjoyed being loud and silly. I did learn one other important lesson at the park today, don't try to give your nearly 70lb child and underduck when you are 8 months pregant, it was not a pleasant feeling on the lower muscles but we had fun.

I think that I will look back on this time with fond memories because of how I was able to just slow down and be with the kids and hope I will still remember to do this when I am on leave before baby comes.

Speaking of baby, we have chosen a name - Kiarra Jezzamyn. Little girl is getting better at saying it and it just makes me smile every time she does. This new little person is feeling more real as of late and we can't wait for her to join our family.

Well, I guess that is all I will ramble on about tonight. Till next time...

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