
Friday, September 13, 2013

"I will give you rest"

I hope you all enjoyed your summer, I know I did. I do apologize as I was not intending to take such an extended break from writing but life threw me some other priorities and so I needed to focus my attention elsewhere for a time. I am excited to get back into sharing with you all and picking up some of the loose ends I left you with. This will include a feature about our big spring/summer project, my home management binder, and some more of my thoughts about routines.

I truly feel that I rested in The Lord this summer and am facing this busy season of balancing school, sports, and family commitments with a sense of renewed faith and rejuvenation. This does not mean that I don't have days where I am tired and weary. It does mean that I am remembering to lay my troubles at the cross and not attempting to carry my burdens on my own.

Today was a day I struggled through. There are a few things going on for our family right now that are a constant preoccupation to the day-to-day of living and I find that the stress dwelling on those thoughts provokes in me seeps into everything I do. It effects how I communicate with my husband, how I treat my children, and mostly it taints my self-perception. Today I need to remember those moments of rest I had this summer and draw strength from knowing I have a loving Father who is always near and willing to listen. It is to Him I need to turn with my troubles and then leave them in His capable hands.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

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